Episode 2 (9-9-15)

Miranda was sitting on a bench on University Avenue, reading the local newspaper, catching up on how things had changed in Palo Alto since she was a girl growing up in this small, quiet university town. A homeless guy suddenly materialized in front of her. “Hi Miranda,” he said.

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Garbage Man mural by Greg Brown
The mural “Garbage Man” by Palo Alto artist Greg Brown, at the corner of Hamilton and High Streets, in Palo Alto


Tom Ammon and Stewart Lyle in “A Package for Max” at the Pear Avenue Theater in Mountain View

Leighanna Edwards and Nadine Chiarito in John Angell Grant’s play “Recess” at the Labor Day Theatre Festival in Belmont, CA

Jan Zvaifler and T. Mikel in John Angell Grant’s “Breakfast” at the Bare Stage in Berkeley

Rhonda Joy Taylor and Dorothea Standish in John Angell Grant’s play “Skunk” at Onstage Theater, Martinez, CA.