Episode 25 (10-06-15)

“Seriously,” said Jeremy, it’s hard being a slacker in Palo Alto these days. “There is all this pressure to work. To get a good job.”

He continued, “To sit in front of a screen at a picnic table everyday with a bunch of coder drones, or whatever they are doing these days.”

Download Episode 25


Weasel ECU 3

Palo Alto cat….

Tom Ammon and Stewart Lyle in “A Package for Max” at the Pear Avenue Theater in Mountain View

Leighanna Edwards and Nadine Chiarito in John Angell Grant’s play “Recess” at the Labor Day Theatre Festival in Belmont, CA

Jan Zvaifler and T. Mikel in John Angell Grant’s “Breakfast” at the Bare Stage in Berkeley

Rhonda Joy Taylor and Dorothea Standish in John Angell Grant’s play “Skunk” at Onstage Theater, Martinez, CA.