Episode 55 (11-10-15)

“When did our lives get so overtaken by sarcasm?” asked Valerie.

“About 30 years ago,” said Miranda. “It’s the current social disease. People are afraid.”

Download Episode 55


Weasel tongue ECU

Cat got your tongue…?


Tom Ammon and Stewart Lyle in “A Package for Max” at the Pear Avenue Theater in Mountain View

Leighanna Edwards and Nadine Chiarito in John Angell Grant’s play “Recess” at the Labor Day Theatre Festival in Belmont, CA

Jan Zvaifler and T. Mikel in John Angell Grant’s “Breakfast” at the Bare Stage in Berkeley

Rhonda Joy Taylor and Dorothea Standish in John Angell Grant’s play “Skunk” at Onstage Theater, Martinez, CA.